“So for me, it’s a little bit bigger. It’s about an experience for the people. It’s about being the best at what we’re delivering…So it’s important to me that all of those components, I call it the three legs of Diamond, it’s got to be good for the employee, it’s got to be good for Diamond, it’s got to be good for the customer. If not, we’re going back to the drawing board.”
– Diamond IT CEO Matt Mayo on company principles.
Even before Diamond IT was an idea in founder and CEO, Matt Mayo’s mind, he knew that whatever was to be done in business must be done with integrity.
This foundational business principal was instilled in Matt from an early age in watching his father as an entrepreneur/business owner. “He was great at keeping his word and that kept food on the table.” As Matt describes him, “He was a man that would work 24 hours straight to keep his word. He was very trusted.”
That principle of keeping his word has never left him.
Adapt & Change
While Matt had aspirations to continue in his father’s footsteps and run the family fabrication business, they were derailed after he suffered a tragic accident at the shop. No longer able to do the work he loved, he had to make a change. That’s when, with the claim from worker’s comp, he picked up a course at the local college on computers.
He then went door-knocking looking for a job and landed one.
Foundation of Diamond IT and the Goal of Integrity in IT
After several years of success at that company, serving the local area with computer and IT work, and serving his clients to the best of their needs, he faced a crossroads: Continue with his current employer and adhere to their limits on serving our customers or take a leap of faith to start his own company where he could deliver and serve his clients on what would serve them best.
He took the leap.
Current and Future: Managed IT and More
While serving the local region for their IT needs for over 20 years, Diamond IT has aspirations of growing beyond the current physical market by offering remote services such as co-managed IT and vCISO, aimed at strengthening the capabilities of prospective clients.
Laced throughout the history of the company is the desire to uphold those founding values – serve the customer with honesty and integrity and do whatever you need in order to keep your word and treat your employees well. When you do those things well, success is bound to follow.
As written in our customer testimonial, Thomas Woods, Director of IT at Daniells Phillips Vaughan & Bock (DPVB) comments, ‘It was a personal decision to partner with Diamond IT. I knew Matt, and I like Matt’s character. I like his integrity. If Matt gives his word, it’s good. He will make it right even if he loses money.”
These principles are held within the company’s DNA and will forever be a part of their business practices, no matter the size.
If you want to learn more about Diamond IT and what they’re capable of, check out the About Us page, or set up a time to talk with one of the Diamond IT professionals and experience what it’s like to work with a company that operates the way they do – valuing you as the customer.