If your organization is stagnant in its approach to IT and security, you’re most likely falling behind.
With the developments in technology for both physical components and software available for your IT infrastructure and institution-wide systems, checking to see if you’re up-to-date with current offerings and industry requirements is always a healthy task.
After all, when was the last time you performed a technology assessment?
If you don’t have the time to perform such a complete analysis or create thorough policies that you actually put into place, then check in on them to verify they are being followed, we get it… and you are most definitely not alone.
Why You Need vCiso Services
We believe that having an outsourced expert on your team provides your company with a fresh set of eyes on your operating systems and are able to provide objective recommendations to help move you forward.
That’s Why We Offer the Services of a vCISO to Our Clients.
The first question you may be wondering is: what is a vCISO?. In short, a Virtual Chief Information Security Officer is an outsourced security professional focused on your organization’s data and cyber security needs. They perform the same tasks as an in-house CISO such as: conducting threat assessments, developing a corporate strategy to security, creating incident response plans, and more. We make all of this available to clients at an “on-demand” basis rather than incurring the high-cost of a C-Level Executive.
Our experts work with you to develop and implement strategies for your organization while also providing you with recommendations on the most current solutions available that make sense for you. We don’t roll out a one-size-fits-all solution for our clients – you are unique and so are your needs…your solutions should be as well.
How Diamond IT Can Help
When partnering with a vCISO, you can rest in knowing that someone is looking out for the best interest of your company’s security and compliance. While our vCISO services are often paired with other solutions (such as Managed or Co-Managed IT), it also works as a stand-alone solution for those that have a need for oversight and ensuring compliance while handling the rest of your security and infrastructure needs in-house.
If you’d like to explore more into the vCISO offerings and how they can benefit your institution, contact us.